VIDEO: A Good Goodbye with Gail Rubin

Pre-Planning Funerals

Posted on January 14, 2016 by

Don’t plan to die? Bad news – humans have a 100% mortality rate. Yet only 30% of us make end-of-life plans: wills or trusts, advance medical directives and pre-need funeral planning. That leaves 70% of us unprepared and devastated, not if, but when a death occurs. Listen to Gail Rubin on why we avoid the topic of death and what we can do to improve end-of-life planning rates so everyone can have a good goodbye.

Gail Rubin is a pioneering Certified Thanatologist – a death educator who uses humor and funny films to help teach about serious subjects. She was one of the first people to hold a Death Café in the United States. Known as The Doyenne of Death, she’s the author of A GOOD GOODBYE: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die. Gail’s motto is: "Talking about sex won’t make you pregnant, and talking about funerals won’t make you dead."

In this Albuquerque TedX, death educator, Gail Rubin challenges you on pre-planning your final journey to create a "good goodbye."