Mellinger’s Mennonite Cemetery

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Phone Number

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(717) 393-2661

About Mellinger’s Mennonite Cemetery

Mellinger Mennonite Cemetery is run by the Mellinger Mennonite Church; however, you don’t have to be Mennonite to make use of their cemetery services.

Caskets, vaults, and liners are not required for burial, offering a green burial option for those who wish to have an eco-friendly burial option.

As of January 2019, single plots cost $750, and double deep plots cost $850.

Cemetery services are provided by Zimmerman Cemetery Services. Call the listed number to reach the Zimmermans, who will be able to answer all your questions.

Map / Directions
Cultural and Religious Specialization
Christian (Non-Denominational), Jewish, Multi-denominational, Muslim
Cemetery Type
  • Hybrid Cemetery
  • Religious Cemetery
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Mellinger’s Mennonite Cemetery is a local cemetery in Lancaster, Pennsylvania who can help you with your burial needs. You can compare their cemetery services and customer reviews to others in the Funerals360 vendor marketplace.

Cemeteries offer a wide range of services including burial plots for in-ground burial and mausoleums for above ground burial. Many cemeteries have options for cremated remains as well, including being buried in the ground, placed in a niche in a columbarium, or even scattered in a scattering garden.

Green burial grounds or natural burial preserves offer the most natural burial and scattering options.